Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Assessment article

So yesterday was the assessment appeal hearing. We didn't go because it seemed like a waste of time. We won't hear anything for a while anyway.

Here is an article from today's Times Union about the whole thing. Turns out, it was worse than Scott and I thought. Our assessment went up about 75% or so...some actually went up 95%. Ninty-five percent!!! That's just utterly rediculous, if you ask me. Keep your fingers crossed that thing will go down to a reasonable amount for everyone involved.


Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Sara - I haven't had a chance to comment, but have been following this sage ya'll are going through. What a pain!! I am so crossing my fingers that you and your neighbors get the solution you are hoping for.

Corey~living and loving said...

oooo I so hope it gets fixed.

Sara@Sarandipity said...

Thanks Megan. It's totally insane and seriously, if things don't get better we may have to move because we won't be able to afford to pay our mortgage. I'll take all the finger crossing and whatever else anyone wants to send my way!

Laura said...

Oh my goodness, what a mess!!! I'm so sorry you guys are dealing with this junk, and I really hope it all gets resolved soon! *hugs*

Meghan said...

Ugh... what a mess. :(

I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you.