Wild, Weird, and Wacky Wednesday - Update Edition
It's been such a long time since I posted a non giveaway related post and since Bug and Baby Girl are playing relatively nicely with the circular saw and drill (don't worry, they are just toys! No need to call CPS!) I figured I'd sit down and type up some stuff and share some pictures. It's been a while since I did a Wild, Weird and Wacky Wednesday post, too.
Things in my life are going well. Last Friday Darling Hubby, Bug and I went to the local apple orchard and picked several pounds of fresh apples. It was so super hot (nothing like a nice fall apple picking day) so we didn't stay too long, basically just picked our apples and headed home, so I didn't get too many good pictures. Oh well...Now I have 2 huge bags of apples sitting on my kitchen floor just waiting for me to make them into pies, crisps or just to munch. I hope we eat them all before they start to spoil. I do have to say Bug is in heaven. He's eaten an apple for breakfast for the past week. It will keep him regular and keep the dr away, too.
Tuesday, Darling Hubby had a root canal for the tooth that he broke last month. He said it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't pleasant either. At least that portion of the process is over. We ended up having to pay $580 out of pocket because the insurance company took their time getting back to the dentist office about the request they submitted regarding what would be covered. So, after DH had the root canal, the dentist office called saying that they insurance would cover the whole root canal so the money we paid out will go toward the core build-up and crown at the next few appts. Hopefully we won't have to spend anymore out of pocket. Fingers crossed.
Here are just a few pictures I've taken recently of Bug. He so enjoys playing Daddy's Nintendo DS. The only thing is that he can't play Puzzle Quest. He managed to delete both mine and DH's characters...we were like level 30! Now we have to start all over again.
And Bug also decided that we still needed to paint our porch (which we'd finished last month.) Here he is with a paint brush and a watering can. He was having a grand ol' time "painting" the window frames with invisible paint from the watering can.He was even jumping up trying to reach higher up and saying "I reach, Mommy." It was too cute to watch.
I hope you've enjoyed this rendition of Wild, Weird, and Wacky Wednesday. Off to feed the kiddos lunch before they waste away to nothing! lol
Love him painting. My girl likes to paint with water. :) so fun!
Awww, he's so cute! I just love fresh apples too. One of the things I miss from NY.
He is such a cutie pie!!
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