100th Post = 100 Random Things About Me!
Huzzah! It's my 100th post! I can't believe I've actually had 100 different things to talk about. Well, in honoring the blogging world tradition of posting a list of 100 things, I'm posting a list of 100 things about me...they are in no particular order and some are VERY random. Happy reading!
- I like to do laundry. I enjoy seeing the dirty, smell clothes go into the washer and come out smelling clean and fresh. I like hanging them out on the clothesline in the backyard in the summer and on drying racks in the winter. I like folding up those clean dry clothes and putting them away. It feels good to see the whole process through from start to finish.
- On the other hand. I hate the act of washing dishes. I like the end result of having clean dishes and clear counters, but I hate actually washing and scrubbing.
- I love chocolate, especially homemade hot chocolate in the winter.
- Christmas is my favorite holiday...and not because of the presents.
- Cats are my favorite animals.
- I own 1 cat, 3 dogs and a tank full of tropical fish.
- I enjoy cooking and eating.
- I love to sleep.
- I'm not a morning person.
- I enjoy doing crafts (scrapbooking, quilting, crocheting and knitting)
- I hate being cold
- I have a blanket obsession...see 11
- I watch too much tv. It's gotten worse since we had the DVR installed.
- I really should listen to more music.
- I love taking pictures.
- I have a 14G hard drive on my computer that just for pictures. It has 10G full already.
- I love to type and write things out by hand. I like my handwriting most days.
- I love to read and have a whole bookshelf of books that have yet to be cracked.
- I'm a good listener.
- I can't stand following politics. Even the thought of it makes me go crazy.
- I love sitting in front of the fireplace soaking up the warmth.
- I'm scared of lighting matches, the ones in the little books. I can manage just fine if they are the stick matches. I'm afraid of burning my fingers.
- Curling up under a nice warm blanket with a hot beverage and a good book is one of my favorite ways to pass the time
- I don't drink coffee (yuck!) Tea for me, please.
- I like to have a clean house, but sometimes hate the process to get there.
- I never make my bed in the morning...it only gets made if I change the sheets.
- I like getting mail in the hopes that something good will be waiting for me. I love getting packages...even if they are just little free samples of things I've requested online.
- I'm nosy. I need to know what's going on outside my house if I see police, firetrucks, or ambulances.
- I hate when people come around knocking on my door trying to preach their way of religion on me. Honestly, if I wanted religion, I'd find it myself.
- I don't have a problem with religion...I can talk with others about their religion...I just hate when others feel the need to push their religion on me, trying to convert me.
- I'm a gamer. Yep, I play Dungeons and Dragons.
- I talk with my hands when I tell a story, even if I'm on the phone.
- I believe in ghosts and enjoy a good spooky story during Halloween.
- I've had my own paranormal experience.
- I love watching Ghost Hunters on SciFi.
- I really enjoy it when it's nap time in my house. I really can use the quiet time to myself to craft, blog or watch tv.
- My favorite cartoon character is Eeyore.
- I love the color purple.
- My favorite movies are Elizabethtown, LOTR, Pirates of the Caribbean (1-3), Dirty Dancing & Serendipity.
- I like my hair. It's long and straight and easy to manage.
- I never blow dry my hair. I let it air dry.
- I like to cut my hair once every couple years and donate it to Locks of Love to make wigs for kids who suffer from medical hair loss.
- My favorite books are Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel and the Harry Potter series.
- I hate drinking plain water. I prefer juice (cranberry, grapefruit and orange)
- I'm sometimes bad about calling friends back. I usually think that I'll find a better time to call them back and I never do...
- I used to bite my nails until I got engaged and my friend Shannon took me to get my nails done in acrylics. After that I try not to chew them off anymore. I've been successful at keeping them long.
- I'm not looking forward to potty training Bug.
- I once starved myself for a boy (not Darling Hubby). Lost 10 lbs in a week. It was a stupid thing to do.
- I have 2 older brothers. One is 20 years older than me, the other 18 years older.
- I gave away my oldest brothers wife during their wedding. I was 9 months old. The minister asked, "Who gives this woman?" and I answered in my loud wee voice, "ME!"
- I was a Girl Scout from the age of 6-12.
- I've sold so many magazine subscriptions and cookies, it's not even funny.
- I've been to Girl Scout camp (Camp Amahami) on many occasions.
- My parents built me a tree house when I was away at Girl Scout camp one year.
- I played flute from 5th grade through 12th grade.
- I started marching band when I was in 6th grade.
- I never memorized the music that first year so I faked it in parades.
- I learned the alto saxophone in 10th grade so I could join jazz band. I played flute in jazz band, too.
- I taught myself the trumpet in 12th grade because we needed extra trumpets in marching band for our performance in The Disney Magic Music Days in Disney World.
- Our band director said I was the loudest trumpet.
- Darling Hubby chaperoned that Disney Trip. Keep in mind I was 17 and he was 25.
- On school band trips, I've only ever roomed with C Shell. We always managed to get a room to ourselves. We weren't good at sharing with others.
- I've been to band camp.
- I was on Honor Roll in school.
- I was a member of the Honor Society.
- I graduated 4th in my class.
- I never really felt close to many people in my graduating class. Most of those who I was friends with have fallen off the face of the planet.
- I never went on my senior trip.
- This year is my 10 year reunion...I'm scared!
- I've never broken a bone (knock on wood)
- I've fallen both up and down stairs.
- I've had stitches and staples.
- I was bitten in the face by my own dog (German shepherd) when I was 3 - resulting in the aforementioned stitches.
- I've had a c-section. Hence the staples.
- I hate calling doctor offices to schedule appointments.
- I hate spiders.
- Most of the stuff filling up our attic belongs to me. My mom saved everything.
- I use canvas bags when I go grocery shopping.
- I wear glasses and have since I was 6. I had contacts in high school, but they were to high maintenance for me.
- When I have computer access, I check my emails a zillion times a day.
- I'm dreading doing taxes this year.
- I can't always bring myself to eat leftovers.
- I like to paint miniatures, but don't always have time for it. Especially with all my other hobbies.
- I like collecting sets of dice. See reason in # 31.
- I CAN'T STAND Dora or Diego. I refuse to let Bug play with anything Dora or Diego or watch them on tv.
- I go through spurts where I want to organize and purge. The problem is, I don't always have something to sort through when the urge hits me.
- I love going to garage sales. I like looking at other peoples things.
- I love finding a good book at a garage sale or library book sale. It makes me happy.
- I've only hosted a garage sale twice in my life. They were both a pain in the butt.
- The person I chat with online most often is Bernie. I'm chatting with him now about # 31.
- The place I do the most thinking is when I'm in the shower.
- I don't sing in the shower.
- I enjoy taking long hot bubble baths. I like sinking down under the suds and reading a good book.
- I don't mind changing diapers.
- I've been a member of a small baby board since I was pregnant with Bug. I've met 2 of the members.
- I'm also a member of a larger baby board. I've met several of the members of that group.
- The farthest West I've been is Chicago, IL.
- The farthest South I've been is the Bahamas (my honeymoon aboard a Disney Cruise Ship)
- I'd like to take another cruise or go back to Disney World.
- I'd love to visit Ireland and Scotland someday.

You SO have to gimme a call in the morning, there are a few things in your list of 100 random things that I want to chat with you about. Just send me a message on Y!, not sure if I will be home first thing in the morning because of bills to pay, but I really want to chat w/ ya!
Congrats on the 100th post! :) I loved reading your 100 things. :)
I am totally with you on #26, #35, and #45. TOTALLY!
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